Novels and Lists

Nov 17, 2009 17:41

Howdy, folks. I haven't been writing here a lot lately, for a couple of reasons. One is that I got peer-pressured into joining Facebook, since it is my duty to only latch onto a fad after it's started to wane (see you all on Twitter in 2017!). So that's provided a quick outlet for a lot of my random thoughts, which is death to Livejournal. The other reason for my absence is the thunderous downpour of writing I've been doing elsewhere, since I signed up for National Novel Writing Month. The goal: write a 50,000+ word novel in the month of November, start to finish. The prize: an unedited novel and a self-esteem boost. I'm making decent progress, which you can track here. As of this writing, I'm at 21,440 words. I'm lagging behind the curve a bit, but I wrote about 4000 words last night, so I should be able to get it together by the 30th.

D&D is still hobbling along, though there have been some setbacks lately. The 4th edition game has been shelved for a few months, until we can get a core group back. I'm still having trouble grasping the concept of a free Saturday. On the other side of the coin, the World's Largest Dungeon now finds itself with ample room in the schedule, so that's picked up a bit. We've started hitting the inevitable snag of a 10th-level party with no healer, though. The grand experiment might end with the whole group of adventurers reduced to paste. Still, it's about the journey, not the destination, right?

On the Warhammer 40k front, things are going swimmingly. It was recently revealed that one of the guys we've been trying to get into the hobby for months... started collecting about a week before we began nagging him. He now has a (mostly unassembled) force that rivals or surpasses any of our existing armies. What's more, it's a Sisters of Battle army, and his partner-in-painting is insanely good at bringing the Adepta Sororitas to life. For anyone who was getting tired of the Space Marine/Ork/Necron hate triangle, this is hugely exciting (even if it means my Orks will spend the majority of the coming months on fire). And with TempleCon looming on the horizon, the race is on to get a 1750-point army together to fight for honor, glory, and prizes (or just a damn good slugfest).

With that in mind, here's my current army idea. It's still undergoing revisions (I just changed around a few elements about ten minutes ago), and I certainly don't have all this stuff yet, but I think it would be decent against most foes. As always, apologies to people who have no idea what any of this means.

Warboss (power klaw, cybork body, 'eavy armour): 100

9 Lootas (no upgrades): 135

9 Lootas (no upgrades): 135

12 Kommandos (2 burnas, Boss Snikrot): 235

30 boyz (shootas; Nob upgrade, power klaw, bosspole, 3 big shootas): 235

11 boyz (sluggas and choppas; Nob upgrade, power klaw, bosspole, trukk, reinforced ram): 146

29 gretchin (2 runtherds): 107

12 boyz (sluggas and choppas; Nob upgrade, power klaw, bosspole, trukk, reinforced ram): 152

Fast Attack:
5 deffkoptas (no upgrades): 175

Heavy Support:
Looted wagon (boomgun, 1 big shoota): 110

2 killa kans (2 kustom mega-blastas): 110

2 killa kans (2 kustom mega-blastas): 110

Army Total: 1750

For anyone who actually is interested in this stuff, questions and comments about the list are welcome. For everyone else, nag me about National Novel Writing Month! Heckle me for each failed deadline! Or, if you actually want to be nice, some quiet encouragement works, too.

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