So this is kind of the least exciting thing to post about ever, but I decided to list my current top five favorite words! three different languages!
- howl - Because of Howl's Moving Castle, the one book that never fails to cheer me up; Howl, first album of Empires, a band that never fails to cheer me up; and even though it's not my favorite poem or anything, Ginsberg's "Howl" is still pretty awesome.
- flimsy
- proliferate
- opine - When I was telling my sister what to write for her essay about John Locke, I said "opine" in one of the sentences, and she gave me this look and was like, "Dude, what century are you from?" But whatever, I still like it.
- plaintive
- 下巴 (pronounced "xià ba," means chin) Because I have this habit where whenever I say a sentence that ends with 下吧 (usually something like "wait a minute," or "in a minute"), I then immediately say 下巴 several times because it sounds almost the same, except the tone on the second word is different.
- 計程車 (pronounced "jì chéng chē," means taxi) I especially like it if you say it fast so you don't actually make the ch sound in cheng.
- 笨狗 (pronounced "bèn gǒu," means dumb dog) Because it's like this inside joke where I used to mix up my sister's and my dog's names, so now I sometimes call both of them this.
- 不好 (pronounced "bù hǎo," means no, or not okay)
- 貓咪 (pronounced "māo mī," means kitty)
- はまち (pronounced "hamachi," means yellowtail) Because 1) it's tasty, and 2) it's almost like onomatopoeia, because "HAM" is like the sound of taking a bite (think "chomp"), and then "machi" sounds a little like "munch", so if you say, "HAM! ...machi-machi-machi," it's like the sound of eating hamachi!
- マクドナルド (pronounced "makudonarudo," means...McDonald's)
- 笑え (pronounced "warae," means laugh, when used as a command)
- 自転車 (pronounced "jitensha," means bicycle)
- 僕 (pronounced "boku," means I) There are like a billion ways to say "I" in Japanese, and I've always thought "boku" sounds the best...unfortunately, it's only used by guys. =/
Yeah, that might have been the most boring LJ post ever...but hey, it killed like twenty minutes! I can't sleep. Again. Because I slept until noon and then got up and ate lunch and went back to sleep until 4 PM. It's just more natural for me to fall asleep during the day, so in summer when there's not really much to do and I'm never particularly tired, I can't stay awake during the day, and I can't fall asleep at night.
Umm...that's it, really. I'm such a flake. When am I gonna get around to posting pictures from Taiwan?!