Favorite words; 3 different languages

Jul 29, 2010 02:45

So this is kind of the least exciting thing to post about ever, but I decided to list my current top five favorite words! ...in three different languages!

  1. howl - Because of Howl's Moving Castle, the one book that never fails to cheer me up; Howl, first album of Empires, a band that never fails to cheer me up; and even though it's not my favorite poem or anything, Ginsberg's "Howl" is still pretty awesome.
  2. flimsy
  3. proliferate
  4. opine - When I was telling my sister what to write for her essay about John Locke, I said "opine" in one of the sentences, and she gave me this look and was like, "Dude, what century are you from?" But whatever, I still like it.
  5. plaintive

  1. 下巴 (pronounced "xià ba," means chin) Because I have this habit where whenever I say a sentence that ends with 下吧 (usually something like "wait a minute," or "in a minute"), I then immediately say 下巴 several times because it sounds almost the same, except the tone on the second word is different.
  2. 計程車 (pronounced "jì chéng chē," means taxi) I especially like it if you say it fast so you don't actually make the ch sound in cheng.
  3. 笨狗 (pronounced "bèn gǒu," means dumb dog) Because it's like this inside joke where I used to mix up my sister's and my dog's names, so now I sometimes call both of them this.
  4. 不好 (pronounced "bù hǎo," means no, or not okay)
  5. 貓咪 (pronounced "māo mī," means kitty)

  1. はまち (pronounced "hamachi," means yellowtail) Because 1) it's tasty, and 2) it's almost like onomatopoeia, because "HAM" is like the sound of taking a bite (think "chomp"), and then "machi" sounds a little like "munch", so if you say, "HAM! ...machi-machi-machi," it's like the sound of eating hamachi!
  2. マクドナルド (pronounced "makudonarudo," means...McDonald's)
  3. 笑え (pronounced "warae," means laugh, when used as a command)
  4. 自転車 (pronounced "jitensha," means bicycle)
  5. 僕 (pronounced "boku," means I) There are like a billion ways to say "I" in Japanese, and I've always thought "boku" sounds the best...unfortunately, it's only used by guys. =/

Yeah, that might have been the most boring LJ post ever...but hey, it killed like twenty minutes! I can't sleep. Again. Because I slept until noon and then got up and ate lunch and went back to sleep until 4 PM. It's just more natural for me to fall asleep during the day, so in summer when there's not really much to do and I'm never particularly tired, I can't stay awake during the day, and I can't fall asleep at night.

Umm...that's it, really. I'm such a flake. When am I gonna get around to posting pictures from Taiwan?!

lists, words

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