Jun 18, 2005 09:56
learn from my mistake.. and start drivin slower... so i got my two tickets back in april.. most everyone knows that.. well.. on tuesday i had court... yea.. so fun.. the judge lectured me.. and then told me for the lesser offense ticket i could go to traffic school.. not so bad.. not on my record and shit... but the one from valleycircle.. 70 in a 35... yea.. eek.. since its over 24 mph over the speed limit.. i got my license suspended for the next 30 days.. so i get it back on july 15th.. i guess its not so bad.. except that .. i leave for sf on the 9th... so i can't go see any of my friends anymore.. i have to depend on them if they can come hang out with me... its not cool at all.. i'm really pissed.. i wanna just go drive anyway.. but my rents aren't up for that .. luckily my dad doesn't care so much.. .cuz when he first moved to cali.. he got 3 tickets in 2 weeks.. mine was only 2 in six days.. so he laughs at me more.. cept.. the suspension.. i get a point on my record.. guess what that means.. insurance... UP!!!!... its already like 6k a year for me... i stilld on't know what my parents where thinking when they bought me a convertable sports car.. my insurance was like less than half that when i had my lil volvo... i miss that car.. so cute.. oh well.. anyway... time to get new cell fones.. verizon store.. here i come.. if u wanna see what i'm gettin.. its the LG VX8000... soooo tite.. haha. u'll see ... adios.. hit up the cellie if u wanna rescue me from my boredom...