In seventh grade, the guy I had a crush on (a huge crush) said he did not like me and that I was fat.
Freshman year, my voice teacher told me I would never be able to sing well.
I didn’t make Westlake’s volleyball team sophomore year.
Nick broke up with me last January and hooked up with my best friend that night.
This summer, the guy that
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"I have always said what you do not know will not hurt you and I was actually just telling Tiffany yesterday that I would rather have a fake friend than no friend at all. Fake friends will pretend to care. And I respect that. Because you can only pretend so much and in the process of pretending, you actually are caring."-that is the biggest load of BS i have ever heard. a real friend is honest with you. a real friend tells you the truth. a real friend goes out on a limb for you. a fake friend pretends, but when you really need them they arnt there for you, a fake friend talks crap about you behind your back. you seem to think you have to settle for fake friends...but really thats all your use to. all the good friends youve ever had, or that have truly cared about treat like shit. your a selfish person who truly only cares about herself. look at your little fight with gigi for example...that all rooted from your selfish desires. your sluttly goal to hookup with every guy you meet..."i only kiss them" dont you realize that is such a slutty thing. i mean my gosh how many girls have a book with everysingle guy they have hooked up with logging probably close 2 100 guys.....hooking up with 100 guys?
and that loving friendship letter you give to all your friends...thats such a load of BS too. you talk crap about your friends behind their back too. dont be a hypocrit, a slut, and a selfish person. mayb recheck your life and see what IS significant. you obviously havnt learned from any of your msitakes.
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