Goodbye LJ

Jul 22, 2008 12:26

It's been almost four years here. It was on the 27th of July 2004 that I put my first ever post on LJ, moving it from my earlier blog which was on blogger. It was the network effect at work - a large number of my friends were on LJ, and with its "community feel", friends lists,  threaded comments, etc. LJ was really comfortable.

For the first few months, this blog was fairly quiet. There would be the odd post, which would get one or two comments. For almost a year, maybe there were only a handful of readers. And then joblessness during the second half of my internship at JP Morgan meant that this journal took off. When I look back, what I wrote in those days was hardly spectacular. However, I was prolific. And my initial set of readers, who were moslty batchmates from IIM, were also fairly jobless at their own internships, and thus I had a good and regular readership.

The fourth term at IIMB was a bit hectic, so blogging took a bit of a back seat, but I was soon back to my prolific best. There were a couple of seminal posts that I put around this time, one about a girl I saw during a Landmark quiz, and another about what I now call the Petromax Principle. These and a few other posts got links from desipundit (which was a big thing for me in those days) and the general readership of this journal also went up.

Soon, I started being known from the blog. Whenever I told people that I was Wimpy/SKimpy, "oh I read your blog" was a common reply. I felt quite proud when, once, I was walking down a lonely road in Jayanagar and one guy came up to me and said he reads my blog. Some random guy who I had never met before.

For these last four years, LJ has been an excellent platform for me to communicate. However, sometimes, I have felt it to be a bit too constraining in a number of matters. I have postponed this decision several times, but I think this was going to happen - I'm going to move to my own site. That site is still under construction, though I hope to have it ready by the end of the day today, and I'll let you know about it. I hope, and expect, that you will continue to read my stuff.

There is another little announcement. Also starting today is a group blog. This will also be hosted on my new site, and I'll be writing this along with Kodhi and
sw_aadisht . I have a feeling that those of you who enjoy the posts tagged "arbit" on this blog will enjoy those posts too. I'll be back later today with details regarding these announcements.


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