Feb 25, 2007 12:06
Well, I suppose this is it. In approximately 2.5 hours S.Sgt. Riggle will be escorting me away from home and off for my final processing. Then tomorrow, very early, I will be flying out to Basic. It's hard to think that for five months I will be isolated and completely outside of what I know. I feel like it should be harder, more painful even, to leave everything behind. I'm not scared, I'm not nervous. Perhaps I'm a bit excited, but even that is minimal. I'm content. I'm determined. Is it bad that part of me wants to just run away? I hope not. This is probably the biggest step I've ever taken outside of my box. All I can do is hope it's a good step. So to all of my friends, catch ya'll later. Starting tomorrow, 133 days and a wake up.