Machine Heart

May 11, 2007 21:47

I have found an epic-length (over 100 chapters!) fan novelization of ComaMi. It may not be accurate, but it may be an improvement. For one thing, it starts with a cast of characters including Signas and co. back at the Hunter Base. I wondered what they were doing.

The prologue describes the discovery of an asteroid on a collision course with Earth. It looks like the Feds still use NORAD (air defense is based in North America). The Federation calls out all the armed forces it can, including the Hunters, to try to destroy it. But Signas declines -- and says it isn’t necessary.

He’s speaking from his experience with the Eurasia Colony, which fell because its gravitational guidance system had been sabotaged. All they need to do is install a graviton guidance system on the asteroid and bring it in gently.

That’s exactly what they do. For several days, the sky was so bright there was no difference between day and night. It looked as if the island of gods descended from heaven. There they find the new material "Force Metal," and set up the Gigantis complex to study and exploit it. The complex is so large, it eventually develops its own culture. And those on the outside don’t necessarily know what’s happening in the little isolated society.

[Force Metal is apparently one of the most important things in this culture, which I think is apt, since it’s the reason the complex exists. So their customs reflect this, which is fine. But they have a greeting/blessing I’m awfully tempted to translate "May the Force Metal be with you," because it’s already very close. There, that’s out of my system, I just had to say it.^^]

rockman x

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