LJ: New and Improved (with advertising)

Apr 19, 2006 13:17

You may have heard about this:

...which says, basically, that LJ users now have the option to add banner ads to their LJs in exchange for paid member features. Which seems fair, if not totally pleasant. But then if you take The WayBack Machine to LJ's Social Contract in 1994, you see:

We stand firm in saying that we will:
Stay advertisement free
It may be because it's one of our biggest pet peeves, or it may be because they don't garner a lot of money, but nonetheless, we promise to never offer advertising space in our service or on our pages.

On one hand, speaking as a freeloader, I can't begrudge them seeking profit in such a manner. On the other... “never” is a long, long time.

Does anybody yet know whether ads are going to start showing up on Friends pages?

advertisment, livejournal, hypocrisy

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