Jun 24, 2009 09:10
Finn was due for a nap when I picked him up from childcare. That was a pity because I was rushing to get him to his swim lesson. He wasn't in a fowl mood or anything, but he was clearly tired.
And it should be noted that he spend the entire day on the "big kid" side of child care. Where he is only takes kids between the ages of 3 months and 24 months. So "big kid" is a highly relative term. When I found him, he was playing in the yard, pushing a toy that is designed to get kids walking. Won't be long before I'm running after him non-stop.
So, we got to swim lesson about 5 minutes late. I did have the foresight to have us both in our suits, so throwing clothes off and getting in the water was easy. (Easy, again being a relative term) It's much harder when he just wants to get to the pool, and I'm having to get him into a swim diaper.
He's really taking to the water. I've learned better how to hold him so he doesn't kick against my chest. When he has the freedom, he kicks his legs in the classic froggy style. So cute. The class he is in has evolved to be a toddler class, meaning 18 months old. He's being allowed to stay, and it's fairly cool because he gets to see what the older kids are doing.
I did meet Viviana for dinner at Cafe Buenos Aires, just across from the Arlington Theater. Luckily she is very understanding, and perhaps it was also good that her cousin owns the place, because Finn was all over. We decided to sit inside rather than on the lovely patio. We were the only ones inside, so Finn could crawl around on the floor. He kept crawling for the door, and I was up every few bites to retrieve him. He did sit in the high chair for a few minutes, but that never lasts long.
The very sleepy Finn fell asleep on the drive home. I was actually surprised at how long he stayed awake in the car. I estimate he fell asleep about 7:30, and I figured I was screwed. Lately, when he naps on the way home, he wakes up between 5:30 and 6:00. Then he is awake until 9:30 or even 10:30. So if he is starting his evening nap at 7:30, then... However, when we got home I transferred him to our bed and nursed him. He had his eyes open, but wasn't getting up and moving around. After several minutes he was asleep again.
What an odd luxury! It was just after 8:00 and I had the evening to myself... unless he woke up. I showered, did some laundry, cleared out the dish washer, and hand washed a bunch of bottles. Odd what qualifies as a luxury these days.
Finn stayed asleep through the night, and was quite groggy when I dropped him off at child care at 7:30 in the morning. "Growth spurt" perhaps?