Mom's weekend is over....

Apr 10, 2005 15:47

So my first mom's weekend is finally over. and what do i have to say for it? tired....still sick...i slept on the hard floor so my mom could have my bed....and oh ya....i had hell of a good time!!! I never really thought id ever say that, but its awesome when you get to the point in your life that your mom is not only your mom but your friend and someone you can hang out with. Odd how that happens....if you would have told me a year ago that this is how i was going to feel right now...i would have never beleived you! So hurray for a long weekend being over, boooo for my bio test tomorrow, which i still have yet to start studying for, and booo for the colds and sickness going around but let me just say.....HELL YA i am looking forward to next years mom's weekend already!!!
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