(no subject)

Jul 02, 2004 22:24

I feel vaguely frustrated at myself. Orals The passage was really fine, i honestly thought i was on a roll. i spoke gently (hehe), slurred a few words but generally at an okay pace, (i think). but man i DIED during conversation. i feel so weiqu in that everything i study for always never gets tested. but at the end of it, i will always remember a comment auntie ayelan made. your God so small arh?. And still ultimately its beyond my control now so let's let go and let God! alright!

So yeah, maurice's parents were out again (what else is new) so we went out. to study. yes, i have no life. so anyway that guy was being such a typical idiot and went to take one whole walk around from the mrt to taka and in the end we settled at wheelock. met a few people along the way.
1. mya and gang. (not feminine enough dear)
2. Patrina who is somehow always around town
3. Patricia whom i feel quite unfriendly towards. its quite sad considering she's from my ex-cell but i cant really click with most the kc girls? but i miss may!
4. a certain m*** lim. (i'm so sorry, not my favourite person around) and together with him, (check this out elly and cihan!) p-rincess!
5. ahh yes and of cos CHERLI!! i am such a good friend, even after all these years. maurice is so right in this respect, babe!

so this was a useless recount of my day because its listening compre tmr and after that no more chinese! but i realised that it is really a beautiful language to use. ahh well. k thx, bye!
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