Oct 24, 2004 16:59
Indiana was tight, Meg and Joey and Nick are still as cool as always, and meeting Sarah was pretty cool. She's just alittle violent when she gets high. It was nothing but love tho, I felt like I was kicking it with family. For real, I'm not going to let it end up another decade or two goes by before I kick it with my family in indiana. Funny thing, wake up. Get home, I got like 20 thousand missed calls and voice mails, the best one? B. B's punk ass talking shit like he's going to beat my ass? Yeah right. I can't wait until I see dude. Fucking pussy ass no action spineless ass bitch. Thats like Robin trying to get wild at Batman. Bitch this is my show, you're my fucking nameless sidekick trying to get props on how "we" did this nigga in a restaurant when -YOU- didn't do shit but stand there looking shook as hell. Just let me hear its a problem, thats all I needed. Now watch, when I step like "I heard the message, lets scrap" he's going to have every explanation and excuse in the world. I should just go by his crib and bust him in his shit. I'm the fucking headliner, top billing in this bitch and you're one of the fucking micro credits that zooms by so fast nobody can(or even wants to) recognize it. Faggot ass. Beat the shit out of me? Right. I bet it sounded real good when he was saying it over the phone from like a hundred miles away. Pussy ass no fighting, no heart having, can't get a bitch to save your life unless she's just up to run game until your no radar having ass is broke ass bitch. I wish this faggot would.
"Bitch niggas, tryin to be a thug is all about ya image.. How you like me? I'm sweepin the playoffs while you can't even win a scrimmage."