Jun 24, 2006 03:13
Hello babies.
Spent a third of the night dancing with a homosexual.
Another third in the toilet, crying over love lost and spilled milk.
The final third trying to tell a girl that I like her.
Graeme had a date tonight with Jeanne, the girl from St Lucia. She worked in the bar for only 4 days, but still he managed to arrange a couple of dates with her, which was pretty good going.
I texted him around 10.55pm, asking how the date was going. He called me back and said he was coming to the pub to see me.
Eventually we ended up in the club next door for free (perks of being regulars) and Gabriela took our drinks through for us.
Soon enough, Gabi was finished her shift. She pulled a chair up next to me at the bar, and Graeme disappeared altogether. I'm always slightly caught out when this kind of thing happens...I remember visiting London with John years ago, and we were sitting in the pub with Marion when he decided he was going home. I was so naive I was shocked, wondering where the hell he had decided to go. Only later did I realise he wanted her and I to be alone, which was very nice of him.
I should feel jealous towards John nowadays, given the fact that he has a lovely girlfriend who really loves him and will always be with him....but I don't. That guy deserves all the very best. He came to me and he told me, "When you and Marion got together, I was really jealous at first..."
I don't know if he was jealous that I was with a beautiful woman or that I was spending my time with someone other than himself, because we had been like brothers since we were 16 years old.
Nowadays, in his brief moments of doubt, I reassure him that I would give anything to be in his position, and that the grass always seems greener on the other side. I'm sure he must wonder at times what it is like, being a single man in London, home to some of the most attractive women on the face of the globe. I always take the time to assure him that what he has now is something special, and that he must appreciate every minute. He knows this already, of course. Why else would you leave the UK for the Third World, long term ?
What a guy. What a gringo.
Anyhoo, yes. Gabriela finished her shift and fetched a stool to come and sit with me at the bar. My aussie mate disappeared to the other side of the room, where he stood and made "GO FOR IT !" gestures all night.
We chatted for a while, Gabi and I.
I'm not really sure what to say. I am from Scotland, she is from Slovakia. We must have almost nothing at all in common. She must have just heard that I am into her and she decided to give me a chance to state my case.
Soon enough, I am on the dancefloor with a raging homosexual.
Two minutes dancing with him, and he declares "I knew you were gay !! I just knew it !!!"
He tried to encourage me to suckle at his bosom.
I didn't mind, he was quite good looking.
"I'm not gay," I told him. "I like this girl here," and pointed to Gabriela. "My friend, however, is totally gay. Totally."
Soon enough, he moved back on to Graeme.
After a while, Gabriela said she was leaving.
She got her jacket and her bag from behind the bar.
We said our goodbyes, and she left...
...then Stand By Me came on, and suddenly she reappeared on the dancefloor.
As she was leaving for the second time, I finally buckled and called her over.
"Gabriela," I said...."You have the cutest nose."
"Vhat ?" she said, in her Eastern European accent.
"Your nose," I said. "I really like it."
I ran my finger all the way down it. She made a fist at me, like she was falsely annoyed.
Then she smiled and left.
I went home and passed out on the bathroom floor.
NJ "Wake Me Up, Before You Go Go" McLean xxx