Last year: This year:
I knitted Ben a wombat, because I'm a geeky fan. I wanted to make him a scarf or something but couldn't settle on a color. I knitted the thing all day and even during most of the show but couldn't finish the ears! I probably could've but I'd had two beers and followed Debbie Stoller's command to never drink and knit. I asked him if it looked like a real one and he said "I wouldn't be able to tell it from a real one!"
This was the first time I'd seen him and felt a little rushed, it was great to see all those new fans, but I felt a twinge of that jealous "I LIKED HIM BEFORE HE HAD MUSIC VIDEOS" thing. But I'm not one of those
Know-it-Alls, so I will remain a fan no matter how large the crowds.
He says he loves to make eye contact with fans, and even though I had an awful seat, he looked up during
Begin which is my one of my favorites.
Okay, geeking out over...until the next entry ;]