Hi. My name is Cirilia and I am MAD!
For one, the episode of Everwood I downloaded and watched tonight was reeaaaallly good (THOSE KIDS FINALLY GOT IT ON!) and now I can't concentrate on the annotated bibliography I have to email to my professor 56 minutes ago. YOU HEARD ME. Too bad I don't have a time travel machine.
I had a fabulous knitting experience today...more about that later in my knitting gournal, users/skrillaknits.
I had a NOT SO FABULOUS experience at ALL FIRED UP!, lamest eatery IN MY LIFE. Eric and I had a little pre-Thanksgiving dinner, he picked me up from work and everything (I LOVE THIS, it makes me feel like a chauffered princess). I said "Duh, let's check out that new place on Route 9". That's where the fun began.
A. They claim to be a "truly unique dining experience." Ever heard of Fire and Ice, a tired idea to begin with? This is a lamer version.
B. Their food was DC quality, if not lower. My tuna wasn't red the way beautiful tuna should stay, it was tough as rawhide. The brown rice was particularly...tepid? Crunchy? Bland?? Horrible. The surprise of hummus and chips was aight, but it served as proof that these frigging chefs dozed off during the part of FOOD 101 where they taught that COLOR=GOOD. BASIC folks, basic. No, they didn't even spring for those blue corn chips. Just wan, tan blob of hummus and tortilla chips. Maybe their chefs aren't hired yet and they're making due with some chimps.
C. Decor and Muzak = desperate, culturally barren stank.
D. Waitresses/hostesses who appear to be freshly minted 9th graders are sort of shrill and dull my appetite. Commence making dirty jokes about this now.
E. PRICES NOT PUT ANYWHERE FOR YOU TO SEE. DUPED. This is a trick that fashionistias, art gallery browsers and classy shoppers in general will know: PRICE UPON REQUEST/DEMAND=YOU AIN'T GONNA LIKE IT. Indeed, the check was WAY more than that place deserved. WAY. Which doesn't make me mad IN THEORY, I can afford it, but that doesn't mean I should. I just roil when I think of how it could be otherwise spent!!
-LOTS of yummy stuff from Trader Joes!
-An entire television series on DVD!
-A litter of puppies from a pound! (OK, maybe not that)
-A batch of Melinda Marsala which we made last weekend, it was DELICIOUS, AND two bottles of Yellow Tail!
I went to WEBS (www.yarn.com, and I'm not kidding) today and spent less than the dinner on A FUCKING LOT OF YARN. Yarn, in case you are unaware, is narcotic for me. Habit forming, costly, all that.
This was the day after opening, and you could just smell the sad over-eager 'excitement' in the air. I feel bad for this place, in all honesty. They're going to tank and it took them almost a year to open.
I threw a royal tantrum, which Eric claims was entertaining, we tried to erase the memory with an improptu sundae party. It's nice to know that I don't have to be all sweetness and light around him. It was actually fun to be negative together, it was like a relic from our past.
I'm actually getting the hang of editing video with Final Cut Pro. I could see myself doing that sort of work, I like meticulous detail oriented stuff. And production people are nerdy, snide and introverted, sound familiar??
Things are peachy. Especially Eric (and my yarn stash). You should all be green with envy! The only thing causing me distress is the fact that the girls on my floor have airhorns for lungs and I have recently learned that most of my favorite (see above description of yarn addiction) candy from childhood has been outlawed.
"No longer available! Haribo has discontinued importing this product. The Consumer Protection Agency has ruled this item a choking hazard."
Ali C