2. What's wrong with communism? It's just another idea about how to live.

May 07, 2007 12:11

You asked: What's wrong with communism? It's just another idea about how to live.

Equality of state always involves taking from those who work hardest or fastest for the benefit of those who work slowest or are laziest. There is no other way to keep everyone equal in their standard of living, because people have varied skills in production and varied work ethics. Besides which, people will resent equality that is forced upon them.
One need only look around at today's business and civil service world to notice that productivity is in the vast majority of cases directly proportional to the connection between productivity and pay.
A car dealership salesperson's pay is entirely dependent on productivity, and you rarely, if ever, see a car salesman lounging in his office playing solitaire (Car dealerships frequently pay sales staff straight commission or some system that amounts to straight commission or less).
On the other hand, in businesses where salary is fixed for most employees, you frequently see employees goofing off in their offices and around the water cooler.
A connection between reward and productivity serves as the only reliable motivator of production. Without an incentive to work harder, most people won't. And without any added loss of necessities when work is not done, most people will only do the amount of work they feel like doing, which is usually little or none.
These are the main direct problems with the communistic philosophy of from each according to ability-to each according to need. There are other, more brutal problems, but those stem from the same source. Brutality is often employed as a replacement for incentive. It is very inefficient as a motivator.

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