Jan 03, 2005 15:41
im sick
1st day back to skool TOTALLY suced likenone other
i mean it goes into the hall af shittiest days
i got home cuz i knew i couldnt make it thro dance adn i took a lik 5 min nap uz my mom got mad nad woe me up
id ave to say the highllight of the day eaas mr Nolan and PEnny, they were doin thier usual bickering in history class and it was very entertain, especially wen Penny gets really mad and start taling in an englsh accent. hahahah thats my FAVVVorite
wellllllllllll somehting huge happened to someone close to me like aATOTALLLYA HUGE. but i cant tell u who bt it involed loosing something and i thuroly disapprove. (like my spelling of thourogh?) but ullln nvere guess who it iscuz its NT who ud think and i will NEVR EVER TELL
i gos to go finisih my homework BLEHHHHHHHHHH and wtch elf cuz i didnt get a chance to watch it before.
is my mermaid too "provacative?" i just thought it was cool cuz it said karissa and is playing a harp and I found it online