Oct 01, 2005 20:52
yea so seriously i avent updated in like 4 baaagilliontrillion yearssssss, but now i need to cuz shit went down tnight. so it was my first nichols homecoming dance cuz now ya kno im all big 9th grader and all. and my friend was being a retard and she got high and it wasnt cool and i was very angry cuz i was kinda spose to be responsible 4 her but she left me. then i was stupid and afraid and was being a shy werido with person and stuff and then hois other person was pissing me ff and it was weird and yeaaaaa now its weird and im tired and im not reallly making sense i just kinda likethe clicking sound of the keys and sooo yea thats it and wow and i guess ill try to explain making more snese tmor o someday in the future, but maybe not th near future i dunno yet we will have to see hoe things go click click click click thas a really fun word to type click click click