Stolen from DrThrax3 and Lavivrus

Mar 15, 2005 17:08

Take the quiz at

Yes, I am alive.
I know its been forever but I've been busy........trying to get to level 60.
Yea yea, I know it takes like 5 minutes to do one of my updates since they are filled with either racial comments (damn dirty midgets) or shrewd language (Fuck Fuck Fuck Shit Cock in Cunt Piss Damn Hell Celine Dion) but I've been really unmotivated to update.

Now, I'm just doing it because it was there, I was done with work and I haven't left my office yet. Speaking of which its after 5, so I'm getting the fuck out of here.

BTW: Today starts month 10 with Kerri and so far I haven't driven her completely insane yet. Then again, I don't start doing that until after the first year aniversury....muahahaa. Love ya babe.

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