Oct 21, 2003 19:39
LostxDoll: Heart breaker... hheeeaaarrrrtt breaker.
SkprGrlJ: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
SkprGrlJ: ur so meaaaanz
LostxDoll: lol
SkprGrlJ: everyone made me feel so bad today
LostxDoll: I loveds you. But- I do think in a way you should. true you cant help how you feel, but Chris is an awesome guy.
SkprGrlJ: so you're saying that i sohuld feel bad for trying not to hurt him more?
LostxDoll: wait
LostxDoll: back up
LostxDoll: no.
LostxDoll: I didnt say you should feel bad.
LostxDoll: but u should feel. Remorse
SkprGrlJ: i dont think anyone deserves to feel anything that hurts them
LostxDoll: :-\
LostxDoll: lmao.
LostxDoll: I loveds you
SkprGrlJ: ur still evil
LostxDoll: i LOVEDS YOU
SkprGrlJ: :'(
LostxDoll: :'(
LostxDoll: :-!
LostxDoll: when times get low, go on and get high.
SkprGrlJ: brb
LostxDoll: kk-k
Auto response from LostxDoll: everyone feels the need to make me feel bad like im super glad i broke someone's heart, wow, thats how i get my kicks screwing with people's emotions. what fun, especially when everyone gets pissed at you and telling you to feel stuff you already do, it's amazing how 12 peopl'll tell you one thing before, and the same exact thing afterwards.
LostxDoll: I LOVE YOU
SkprGrlJ: i had to make a peanut butter sandwich for lunch
LostxDoll: I loved syou
SkprGrlJ: hmm im jt in a sour mood right nowz
SkprGrlJ: just*
LostxDoll: awwe
LostxDoll: I have to go bye bye my dear, i loves you. NO MATTER WHAR
LostxDoll: WHAT
SkprGrlJ: bye
LostxDoll: ...byes