Backlog of Video Games

May 05, 2010 00:52

Ugh why do I have ADD when it comes to gaming.

So to help me put focus on games that I need to beat RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW, I'm updating my backloggery and going to focus on the games currently in the database. Those that are unbeaten at the time.

Because it keeps growing and I love to replay games. Which sometimes takes over and good games that I haven't beaten yet get lost in time.

I have until the release date of Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Trauma Team to beat as many games as I can!

I'm doing this because I'm working the busiest schedule (10:30 to 6:30 -- which includes lunch rush, happy hour, and partway into dinner rush!). I'm pretty tired afterwards and gaming is something I don't have to put too much energy into to enjoy! Everyone wins! =_=

p.s. My site is a mess right now as I filter out the games that I enjoy and will play. It's hard just pinning yourself to just one game at a time. :U
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