Feb 04, 2005 19:24
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." - Someone Profoundly Stupid
I wonder who ever thought of that saying, and if they actually believed it. I happen to think that words have a far more profound, lasting effect than sticks and stones ever could. With just a few words, an entire life can be changed, can be shattered. Words are responsible for every aspect of our lives. We, as a society, rely on the power of words to demonstrate our deepest thoughts and feelings, to build ourselves up, and to tear others down. It is words, not wounds caused by sticks and stones that we remember in the long run. Flesh wounds heal. We get beat up, we get over it. We get called names, and they stay with us all our lives. You are ugly. You are stupid. Isn't it the cruel labels we receive what hurt the most? Words can tear away in an instant a dream, a faith, a confident and fulfilled life. Like it or not, we are constantly changed by our labels, hurt by them in some way. But we keep doing it. Sticks and stones are not the problem today. It is the rude remarks, daily defamations, and mean-spirited name calling that break the most bones.