(no subject)

Mar 18, 2009 15:16

Ok, the rules: people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

1) Make a list of 5 current fandoms:
(Okay, I don't watch enough tv or movies to have five whole fandoms.)

1. Warhammer 40K.
2. Discworld.
3. DnD, although that slips a little every time I have to ban another character for being a game-breaker.
4. Capitalism. (It's a great idea when it works. Shame it isn't.)
5. Hmm. I WOULD put GTA here, but rockstar kinda blew it with GTA4. So, I'll stick Fallout here instead.

2) Would you ever get plastic surgery?
Yes, because my nose is not only the wrong shape on the inside now, but it's been knocked wonky on the outside as well.

3) Is there anything in your fridge right now that you would never eat/drink?
Plenty. Brie, most of the vegetable drawer, the cat's dinner...

4) What's your occupation?
Unemployed elctronics operator.

5) Do you nap a lot?

6) What was your first celebrity crush?
Don't remember.

7) What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
40K. Just finished the rulebook.

8) What was the last thing you ate today?
I just got up, I ain't earen yet.

9) What was the last text message you sent?
Have no idea, I hate the things.

10) What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Webcomics, LJ, twitter, facebook, devart, and forums.

11) What was the last thing you bought?
Cinema tickets.

12) What are you listening to right now?
My computer fan whirrrrring.

13) Does the weather affect your mood?
Greatly. I despise winter,

14) What is your your zodiac sign?

15) Do you use Wikipedia to look stuff up?

16) If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
I'd take up drums again.

17) Do you have any siblings?
A sister.

18) How would you describe yourself.
Metalhead, nerd, wargamer, cyclist.

19) What movie(s) do you recommend that people see?
- Blues Brothers
- Ronin
- Gone in 60 Seconds (the original, not the remake)

20) Say something to the person who tagged you:
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