A rant.

Dec 04, 2008 14:47

Inspired by a meme-thingy on devart.

Do you like the society you live in?

I don't like the society I live in. Why? Because I spent 13 years in school, I have a fistful of qualifications, and the only job I can apparently get is a minimum-wage one cleaning council properties.
This is because someone elected a fucking communist as prime minister. My parents' generation is the one that got me INTO this fucking mess, and now it falls to mine to try and claw a way out of it, as the society we grew up in collapses around our ears.

Now, before you say something like 'society isn't collapsing at all!', just take a look at things. If I go out at the weekends, I have to steer well clear of certain areas, like THE ENTIRE BUS SYSTEM, because the lack of discipline in schools means nobody taught anybody right from wrong, and they all think picking on the guy with long hair, glasses, and black clothing is acceptable. On a friday night, I go to a friend's house to game and talk nerdy stuff. On the way back, if I get spotted by enough people, I will be hounded by assholes intent on running me over. I've lost two bikes in the last few years to thieves.
Vandalism is everywhere; graffiti is covering every surface around the stations, the work being done to clear out a drainage ditch was knocked around by some asshole chav overnight, and we have CCTV everywhere to try and do something about it.
It isn't working. The councils are run by corrupt self-important civil servants, who're using laws put in to help the police catch terrorists to do such things as prosecute litterers, punish people who haven't trained their dogs absolutely perfectly, and keep people from exploiting loopholes to get their children into a good school.
Nobody has any sense of personal responsibility, either. It used to be that if you were in trouble, people helped. Now, nobody bothers. I got elbowed off my bike into a metal pole shortly before I lost my job. Only one person bothered to ask if I was alright, and that was only because I spent a good minute or so screaming profanity after the asshole that'd hit me in the first place. The standard of driving and parking is terrible, because nobody cares about inconviniencing others.

On top of that, the economy's collapsed. Prices are being slashed all over the place, and the only thing being DONE about it is making the whole fucking thing worse.
And, of course, the only source of money you CAN rely on is the government, who you can't rely on because they won't pay their bills. I was made redundant a few months ago, from the defense industry, due to the trickle-down effect of the government not paying the contractors.
Think about that for a second. The government wasn't paying defense contractors, who weren't paying their suppliers, who couldn't afford to employ me. We are at war on two fronts against terrorists intent on killing our soldiers, and the response is to not pay people who're providing the equipment.

On top of all this, the BBC, the major source of news for MOST OF THE DAMN WORLD is siding with the government on most things. This means more socialist policies, including repeating clips of government officials talking absolute shite that makes the stock market drop. Killing the people trying to sort things out would improve the situation, which is disturbing.

Britain used to be a great nation, at the center of a huge trading empire. We owned half the world. It was said that 'the sun never sets on the british empire'. That was in the most literal sense; it spanned the WORLD, there was always some part in daytime. But now? Now we're fucked, half the empire was given independence because they could manage on their own, and they're doing just fine, while the rest have fallen into squabbling with themslves and each other due to a lack of input from britain.

The only way I can see out of this is to either keep my head down until the government changes, try and make change myself (likely getting arrested or killed in the process), or to just leave and return when someone else has sorted it out.
Now, why the fuck am I IN this position? Is everyone too self-obsessed to sort things out? Have they not noticed that the government is following the policies of Stalin almost to the letter, under the excuse of saving the environment? Or has everyone smart left the country, or too entrenched in a cushy job to see past their rose-tinted haze?

Reality sucks.
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