Hmmm, updates are way overdue. I got out of the habit of writing because writing has been my work for almost three years now, and on top of that the last year-plus has featured very much internal processing.
However, there's been an influx of new people lately, with perhaps more to come, and not having anywhere to point and say "I write there" is starting to feel odd. I make no promises, of course, but perhaps I'll start blogging again, and maybe it'll be here. Meanwhile, if we met recently and you'd like to stay in touch, here's a good place to comment.
I am somewhat more active - sometimes even featuring daily updates - on Google+, Twitter and Facebook, which I post to simultaneously, so you only need to subscribe to one, really. The links are: TwitterFacebook If you need to contact me and social meeja aren't enough, I've put my other contact details up - which one you can see depends on how well I know you:
[LJ Friends] or
[close friends].