If you are easily offended, and/or US politics make you mad (I know, me too!), then best not to look at
cookwitch linked to
Margaret and Helen, who are "Best Friends for Sixty Years and Counting…". From what I've read so far, it's mostly a forum for 82-year-old Helen to put down her rants in writing. And it's fantastic! To wit, this is Helen on the hoo-ha re: healthcare reform last September. Apparently, the Republicans went mad about Obama holding a speech in a school:
President Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. For all my Republican friends out there, magna cum laude is a Latin term meaning “with great praise”. Please turn to your Stepford wives and tell them it’s not something you can order on the all-you-can-eat menu at The Olive Garden. And the last time I checked he was the duly elected President of the United States of America and not some pervert registered on a Megan’s Law web page. You should be honored to have him speaking to your children about staying in school and studying hard.
But even with all this proof that the Republican Party has become a Confederacy of Dunces, somehow the Democrats in Washington can’t get their shit together long enough to pass a meaningful healthcare reform bill. Mr. President, I ask you this: If they don’t even believe you are an American citizen, why the hell do you care if they think you are going to kill their grandmother? Rush Limbaugh was not elected to any office. Pass healthcare reform with a public option and move on. Rush will get over it. Trust me. He has a pill for that.
I'm looking forward to catching up on this...