Over recent weeks, I've been reconfiguring LJ somewhat - from the new page design, to amending the f'list[1], reducing the number of custom groups, and now, as prompted by my paid account expiring, I've chopped down the user pics as well.
I don't know whether this means I will actually stop procrastinating so much on here, but I hope so. If at least more of my time here was productive, that would be good too! We shall see.
Today my back is full of pain, and I woke up that way, which didn't help my mood any. In addition, my head feels very fuzzy. I'm not happy about that either.
I had my second appointment with the osteopath. She asked me many, many questions again, but I didn't feel overly equipped to answer them correctly. I'm considering keeping a pain notebook, so that I can report more accurately in future *sigh*. Anyway, today we had the fun "manipulation", that's the bit that makes your joints go "crack" or "crunch". Apparently, my upper back has limited movement, whereas my lower back is hypermobile (and therefore stressed, and sore). Both were treated, and I have exercises to do. The one I got given last week to increase movement in my upper back hurts (not during, but after), but I've been told to persevere. There is a new exercise, too; the first was a stretch, the new one is more of a movement. I can't actually do it without moving everything from the waist down. I may need someone to hold my waist still, and watch that I'm not moving my shoulders instead, either. I'm weirded out by this; I cannot even 'think' in the right way to move that bit of my back, I don't know 'where' it is (if you see what I mean). That on top of the pain is making me feel pretty low & miserable... I have additional body woe at present, because clearly my muscles & cardio stamina are weedy, and I'm at the point of knowing exactly how bad it is without knowing how it's going to get better. I know in my head that I have to persevere, that repeated exercise is going to make it better, but it feels hard and like a very long path. In a way it was almost better when I didn't know how bad it was (except not, of course. More comfortable, but not actually better).
Going to stay in tonight; the rest of the week is looking fun though: special Watchmen event tomorrow, possible Dana Centre on Friday, then Funker Vogt gig in the evening, followed by SH5 fun on Saturday. On Monday and Tuesday, Benjy & I are going to that free NLP intro we were supposed to do in January (it got rescheduled due to building works, IIRC), and then Colin & I are going on a short trip to Bruges.
For now, I guess it's time to brew some coffee and tackle some work. And wish today was over already.
[1] I hate those apologetic posts whenever someone makes changes to their f'list, "I don't hate you, pls don't hate me" etc etc, so I wasn't going to do this. But as I'm on the topic anyway: I took a large number of people off my list recently because it was taking me far too long to get through reading everything; as such, most of the journals I've stopped reading were a) verbose, and/or b) from people I'm not often in touch with anymore. I don't expect reciprocal de-'friending', I'm quite happy for any who want to read to do so (and most edits will remain world-readable). And yes, I know about the "Default" group work-around, but I kept reading "All" anyway, thereby defeating the purpose. Plus I think it's a bit dishonest; either your journal is on my list and I'm reading it, or it's not. But as per the disclaimer on my user info, in no way does this indicate whether I am friends with someone IRL. Hey, maybe this way we can have Real Conversation down the pub again, huh?