Jan 13, 2009 12:54
I went offline there for a bit, oops. Well ok I admit it, I still checked emails on my phone, mainly because I can! And because I try to be good about keeping up with business emails, that's my real reason. Yes.
Anyway, after my jubilatory jumping-around there on Friday, I went to Oval for to see the Spinners (but didn't spin myself, since I was practically braindead), and then decamped to Benjy's. Actually, I mostly slept that night, I seem to recall. Saturday was quiet, too, and featured lots of Poirot and sofa time. The only excuse I can give is that we'd ventured out in the morning to procure comestibles, and I came back feeling rather fatigued - not sure what happened there, but suspect I was either more exhausted than I'd thought, or was fighting off some bug or other. None have materialised so far this season, which I'm happy about - no rush-hour public transport and no aircon seems to do the trick.
Sunday was a little more exciting: we went to a Whip workshop! I learnt to crack a whip. Well, actually, two kinds of whip: a snake and a bullwhip. I now want one of each to carry on practicing :-)
Yesterday featured a slow start after a bad night's sleep, but I stuck to my plan and ventured out to the Tate Britain. A fair few displays were closed, so I guess it's change-over time there. Never mind, at least I went - and shall attempt to see several more museums and galleries in London before the year is out. Preferably during the day in term-time, just cos I'm awkward like that... I think the art I liked best was a room devoted to William Blake and Cecil Collins, i.e. lots of symbolism, but I can't say I was otherwise overwhelmed with it. I think I prefer the Tate Modern.
Today is mostly devoted to catching up on admin and other house-bound tasks. There has been good and/or amusing financial news, and I need to learn more about running businesses. Today's topic: how to dissolve a Ltd.