Jan 05, 2009 22:41
The word of the day had to be "FatmeSyazlina"
And when you say it as fast as u can.. you would be able to hear what sound like "F***meSyazlina*!!
And the word of the day for me had to be F***
If = F, You = U, Seek = CK.
I really have no idea or clue as to why tat particular word becoming my word of the day
Had to be the mood swings i'm experiencing now!
Oh yah!! I'm adding something to my new year resolution : LIP READING!!
It can save me all the time of asking someone to repeat what the hell they want to tell me
Like I keep getting 3 diamonds, my swehness is a F**k up mess!!
haha but hey look tomorrow would be another F**k up UT module
Yeah 2 me!
At least, To end off this DAY with no more "F" feelings for me,
I would like to wish me beloved darling mama HAPPY 43RD BRTHDAY!!