A lexicon of childcare

Sep 27, 2006 01:09

It's been a while since posting and I should really provide a more general update on various things several of them baby related. To help you understand what I'm talking about when I do get round to that I thought I had better provide a lexicon of specialist childcare terms in the Skordh / Somebody household.

BULLFIGHTING: A game played by getting on elbows and knees, using fingers as pretend horns, pawing the ground with one's elbow and charging towards a baby. The game continues with the baby rejecting the role of matador and instead behaving like a rival bull and meeting the adult head-on, with much crawling around one another, giggling and headbutting as the result.

CHUBBERING UP: Getting chubby. Putting on fat after a growth spurt or period of low weight gain.

FLAN: A baby who refuses to go to sleep. An incomplete PIE (qv).

HUTCHING: A slow method of locomotion, which involves travelling in starts on one’s back, headfirst, by bending a straightening one’s legs, pushing with one's feet. A precursor to crawling.

MUFFIN: A baby. (A fuller list of pet names, often food-related, would need an extra post!)

PIE: A sleeping baby, or (as exclamation) 'I have a sleeping baby'. (From 'turning out the pie' - carefully scooping up a baby who has gone to sleep on the breast and carrying him to the cot without waking him up).

QUICHE: More sleepy than a FLAN (qv) but not quite a PIE (qv).

SCRUMBLE, SCRUMBLES: Vigorous play involving HUTCHING (qv), bouncing or crawling on a bed or floor and probably incorporating a grabbed or crawled-on parent. Gambolling. Frolicking. Causing mayhem.

SCRUMBLES, MAGIC LAND OF: A fictional realm in which adventures befall an exceptionally adventurous HUTCHING baby in the story 'prince_eldarion and the M- L- of S-'.

Best wishes to all on the flist and belated happy birthdays to, er, just about everyone!!
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