This should be fun. You take your favorite songs (hopefully ones we might know), translate them using from English to German, then from German to French, then from French back to English. Post them on your journal, and we'll see if anyone recognizes them. Try mine on for size... bonus points if you know where my LJ cut title came from.
Evening of Traurigkeit and it freikam were yesterday, it on then the door outward journey could not were the opened wind the candles roasted and disappeared the curtains flew then seemed to him then... Of Saying do not have seemed that on the come baby... and it did not have of fear and it ran it to him... which began it, to fly looked at then postpones and means it on re-examining... had become, as they had a fear it his hand are taken... it had become, as they do not fear that on the baby... came more reaper
The bleeding in your own luminous dream me misses your own life which I am never and above all me and above lack torch I my heart, the world shows that I am not deeply pure in my heart of more than lies a crown of Horne a cultivated image deformed the marking, I scorn A marking carried you too much to use to you my loves, you devour my energies of the hatred my to only escape to you which it the moon is outside, the stars invite me think that I go this evening fan so soon me the discovery of will itself to only relieve to him and far you know, what do you know to the bottom me line to be relieved to him and far him white what you don't know to the bottom me could remain free come?
The Dan which "is known as" with of Hal, "me, sees going somebody in this way", therefore they rolled to the bottom the window and said, "hallo. You excuse us He me, He "" could declare, where we are and where the best exit could explain to them from here "its expression than it did not have absolutely an idea, me heard that they could be this city it narrowly some share giants being could receive the control lost around control around it to lead to lead still around
The bull and the bear do not mark their sectors, them it international curtain their Ruhmen lead me are the screen, the light blindly making which I am the screen, me work me see the night a used place, my night the headaches gray of color awake today to me so much daysleeper are
Thus, much of marks, it happens that quickly you do not lose with a modification, your leaning for famous your catch on the dreams of last which must precisely fight you to hold in an alive way it choral society: All is the eye of the tiger, is him the cream of the Risin fight ' until the challenge of our rival and the last known handles of survival its victim in the night and in for him is watchin ' us in the eye of the tiger
At the time of Schimpansen, I was a monkey butane in my veins and myself am outside to cut Junkien with Plastikaugaepfeln, keep silent the color of jet the vegetables of stables of foodstuffs of dog with that pantyhose beefcake the headlight and used to him lagerauto flamin ' with a loser and controls speed of voyage the baby reno with the vitamin D If a couple of the Layers received, the sleep on the seat of love somebody sayin, ' which I must complain alienated, of marriage of gun of shot and a mark on my shirt it does not believe only very that you receive yourselves a wound to park and a larva on your case breathe, your face with Muskatbluete in dark Savin ' came your whole food temples and burnin ' the park of trailer ' thus ' shaves downwards
left, left, not of use while dissimulating left, left, you cannot see there are not here place which you were waiting? No the sector for two, sector right for me. Thus, you put to name to the bottom your arms me yes this house. You were banished far far. Your country went and gave me. And here, I extend my wings. I name this house.
I am not me am never only whole time am you with one or you finds me live us only in rad, in each one flies, but, if we increase, it as the cutter collects is if I do not tighten you bad treaties, you my face could love you, that you let a beautiful taste the days pass could not on you have been simpler I coudn' T with modification received, me could by three have been simpler our fear of friend and you and myself old more certainly wished
send cried it of the back and before went up died. And Generals sitted and on the diagram moved the lines on side at side. Black and blue and that which know, that which which and that which are that which is. And. But in the end it east rounds only and approximately. You do not have heard that it is a battle of words which cried the persons in charge for poster. If it hears the son, it said that the man with rifles there the sector for you is towards the interior.
Breathing is the hardest thing makes with all that I said and all those which died for you, you were - of Leavin ' on a train of the south were only yesterday known as on re-examining to you promises, which I seemed who passes only to be made time attention, all these things I with you.