Recent life affirmations.

Nov 03, 2007 16:07

My best time is the fall. I am at my most creative and in a better state metally. I do great things in the fall.

The world is really going to shit. I have known for a really long time that everyone in this world was pretty much in it for themselves. But it wasn't until recently that I realized how much that sucks for a cripple. It's not a pitty party, just a fact. (Ask me about Greyhound in person. I don't have the energy to type up the whole story. And yes, the war on them begins Monday.)

I am a very strange person. And I am not changing. I'm sure I have done things that I regret/will regret. But I have always been true to myself. Therefore, I am not ashamed of my lifestyle or the choices I have made. I am who I am.

My relationships will probably always be a little...funky. "Normal" men cannot handle me. And the "normal" dating scene rarely works out for me, and to be honest, bores me to tears.

I will probably end up like my mother. She is completely crazy and happier than hell to be that way. And I think that is a good thing.
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