Try so hard to make the pieces all fit.

Aug 07, 2007 02:24

All my boys have girls. And I do mean ALL. I don't care if it's irrational, I feel useless and forgotten. Fuck.

I have a meeting with an academic advisor to talk about what I have to do to get back into school. It better work out if for no other reason then to get me the fuck away from everyone.

I have lost half of my government check. I'm still under investigation. Could wind up owing them money. Could wind up losing the other half. I have started seeking legal advise. So I am broke again. And all I keep seeing in the mail are bills and I'm scared of what's going to happen when I can't pay them. Yay.

Migraines are still around. Not much to be done about them really.

Leaving town at the end of the month. Off to see a friend in New Mexico. It can't get here fast enough.

I kinda want to drive the scooter off a bridge.
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