Well I really enjoyed the Saturday of Sheffield meet, had to work Sunday so couldn't join in. Got into Sheffield train station at about 11ish after Badgerguy picked me up in his car. Hung around at the station waiting for everyone to appear, saw a few new faces I didn't recognize. At around 12ish we headed off to the Dev Cat... well I got a lift with Badgerguy, but when got to car park almost had to walk back right into town to rescue some furs that had got lost on their way to the pub. When got to pub handed my cookies out that I made the night before. I think they went down well had none left by about 5pm. I had naked burger and chips for lunch, didn't drink much. Glade I got to hang around with some fur I haven't seen in a few years. Was great to see you again FoxB and Orona... *hugs to you guys*... After a few hours FoxB and Wolfpaw suited up... got some photos of them too...
( which can be seen
The the rain started again so we head back to the pub... then a few of us headed to Nandos and a few headed to another local cocktail bar.. I had bottomless yogurt and drink at Nandos... After this we headed back and met up with the others.. Then about 10 of us ended up heading to Sil's for the evening... We ended up playing Singstar and watching Lilly Savage ( well almost watched Lilly Savage, but was to busy talking about stuff... and if you were there , you knew what we ended talking about and doing ). At about 12 midnight me , Badgerguy and Nutsy headed back home, we dropped Nutsy off atta the Holiday Inn...Then me and Badgerguy headed back to mine for the night, watched Dr Who.. The infinite quest cartoon then headed to bed.... Woke up this morning and Badgerguy dropped me off atta work....