Nov 03, 2009 13:47
There may possibly, maybe be a final installment - that's right! final! THE END - of my Supersaturation series. Full circle back to our favorite little Panic! boys. I'm not promising this will be anytime soon, but I've started it and I've got a few ideas, and I think it'll mostly be ridiculous, but we shall see...
“You are glorious,” Brendon tells Captain Hall, because Captain Hall is like a giant, walking, talking teddy bear and he doesn’t let anyone be mean to Brendon. He even tells Pete not to be a creeper, which is awesome, because it’s not like Brendon minds all of Pete’s ass-slaps, but there’s got to be a line drawn somewhere. And that line has been firmly drawn by Captain Zachary Hall, of the USMC.
Of course, what Brendon finds truly hilarious is that Captain Hall reserves his special you-pervert looks for Spencer.
Hall is new. Brendon would set him straight, except he’s usually too busy laughing.