I feel like I'm on the wrong plane of existence today

Jan 06, 2009 13:49

So is insanejournal the prefered exodus journal if anything happens to LJ? If you have one, I'd appreciate you either dropping me a line with your username or friending me over there - same name as here, I'm easy like that.

I've backed up both this journal and dirtytrousers with LJarchive, and I'm going to try and back up my communities, too, but those aren't as important.

Enough depressing news!

Um. I don't have anything else to say, though.

Except I had exceptionally vivid dreams last night, some about Mike Doughty, and one about Merlin who worked in a coffee shop with Jon Walker - it took on fic proportions, where Jon kept asking Merlin if he knew this guy (Arthur), sitting alone at a table, because when he ordered he had a funny accent like Merlin's, and Merlin kept insisting that not all British people knew each other, and then Jon was like, but you know Gwen, and Merlin just gives him this you're slightly dim, right, your mother dropped you on your head a lot look. And then I don't know what else happened. Wierd, weird dreams.

insanejournal, jon walker saves christmas, it's sorcery!, merlin, bandslash

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