Sep 18, 2008 20:09
* I'm exhausted. From stress, I think, since I'm sleeping just fine.
* Dogs are driving me crazy. The vet tech on tuesday almost got her face beat in by J because Roxy was so exuberant about being around actual people, and she told everyone that Roxy bites - oh my god, I thought J was going to start several fights, he was so mad.
* Myrtle is beating the shit out of my other two cats for some reason - she's trying to claw her way up to top cat, I'm pretty sure.
* Just had a minor procedure done this morning which should hopefully bring eventual good news - send happy thoughts my way!
* Fringe continues to rock my socks. Seriously, I never realized how much I missed seeing Joshua Jackson's face every week until right now.
* Burn Notice season finale is on tonight! Too bad I will be asleep, but that's what the DVR is for.
* Seriously, I'm so tired. Bed time for Bonzo.