shoot a kangaroo

Apr 04, 2008 13:08

Most baffling Philly tourist ad: a close-up picture of the gaping wound in our Liberty Bell with the caption MORE REBELIOUS FUN. I just--what? COME TO PHILLY! DEFACE OUR NATIONAL MONUMENTS! IT'S TOTALLY FUN! Who is the ad genius behind that one? And okay, that's from a movie, right? Why can't I think of what movie that line of dialog is from. Is it from Crazy People? It's not, right? But dudes, I totally had a Hello box in 8th grade.

And okay, okay: you know when Brendon says, "I know him," in Mostly Products Created By Nature? Brendon is totally dancing around in my head as Buddy the Elf: SANTA! I know him!

I've got mental problems.

Also, I've got She's A Handsome Woman in my head on repeat. It's the sort of song that just gets stuck there, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Expect some sort of death angst that isn't actually death angst soon. I'm just now figuring out how to end it.

Also: I'm actually keeping up with fancy_plans so far! It's a MIRACLE!
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