For some unknown reason, probably the crappy weather - 50s! In June! - I am in a dissatisfied funk. So I’ve decided to list some things that I love today, right this minute. Feel free to play along in the comments with stuff you love, too! We can squee about things together!
ETA: cut tag, 'cause I didn't realize how fucking long this list is!
I, SkoosiePants, LOVE... )
Comments 71
* My son, who, even though he breaks everything in sight, still found my flash-drive with all my class' papers and grades on it in a matter of minutes, even though I had been searching for it for a week.
*My elder daughter, even though she's spoilt rotten, because she tries and succeeds at wonderful recipes, and is a snugglebunny.
*My younger daughter, even though she wants badly to be ghetto-fabulous, because every once in a while I see a flash of a really great person in there, once all the oofarb is out of the way.
Poetrychik here, and I love:
*My girlfriend, who is basically turning her life upside down right now so that we can move in togetherand form a life together. It makes all of the changes that I'm making (moving out of state, finding a new job while still commuting to the old one, etc) seem much less scary.
*My father, who, depsite being a pastor and not knowing the whole story, still loves me and is trying hard to understand and be uber supportive. Right now, he's rearranging his schedule for Saturday, so that he can take my bed up to the girlfriend's (she has a waterbed that's playing havock on my back)and also schlep some boxes up for me. I've never been prouder to call myself his daughter.
*My girlfriend's son, who's 11 and on the verge of puberty. He's so wicked smart... He sat there, quietly, absorbing everything, and then gave us a huge smile and was just happy and supportive of us. He's always giving me hugs and telling me he loves me. I've always been afraid of having kids, but he makes me glad that he's a huge part ( ... )
Also, it is so nice to here about popslash loves *nods*
I absolutely love the Ernie fics that you've written in the SGA universe! Of course, I love all of your fic, even the bandfic. I end up googling the names so that I can picture the guys... ;)
Her son is just so cool, even when he's not... Lol! Smart as a whip and still not afraid to be goofy. Loves his Mom and they have a wonderful relationship.
I can't not talk about the popslash, even though its usually not considered cool to do so. I just love my sparklyboys... :D
I think I want a fic where Chris K hangs out with Fall Out Boy for no specific reason, and maybe Patrick has a crush on him. Maybe.
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-My laptop. Four years, two drops, one on the stairs, one completely depleated battery, two doom-filled anaylsises from Mac specialists, and it's still going strong. It loves me like Iove it, and doesn't ever give up ( ... )
*grins* Bob Motherfucking Byar, damn right, my friend. YES!
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