I'm pretty sure this year has been my most prolific in terms of writing. John and Rodney are just so inspiring :) Let's take a look back, shall we? *wavy dream-sequence lines*
Ring Out, Wild Bells - The most fun part of this fic to write was Ronon and Rodney's relationship. I love how Rodney insults him, and Ronon doesn't even care. Also, John being jealous is always fun. Highlights for me: Rodney and Jeanie Christmas morning, Rodney taking off John's coat, Ronon breaking into John's house.
Once Upon a Furry Octopus - Okay, seriously? It's about a furry octopus. I had NO IDEA this would be so well-loved, which just makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Highlights for me: the pens, Ernie's reaction to Ronon's hair, Heightmeyer and Carson, Elizabeth hugging John.
One Crazy Weekend - I have this whole meta on HS AUs planned soon, but basically it's really difficult to slot these characters into typical teenage movie rolls. So this really isn't Weird Science. Highlights for me: Radek acing gym, Ronon threatening Carson's mom, Ford the affectionate drunk.
What Happens in the Clubhouse - Being what it is - kidfic - I totally wasn't expecting the response this actually got. Highlights for me: Larry the goat boy, the clubhouse, John craving pancakes, John relearning how to drawl and swagger, Pegasus Knights.
Those Days - Bizarre melding of Furry Octopus and What Happens in the Clubhouse. Napping is awesome.
One Simple Theme -or- The One About Pancakes - Mainly, I just wanted to write about pancakes. And turn some cliches on their ears. Highlights for me: PANCAKES! John's reactions to just about everything, Ronon, John's womanly posturing, Ronon's breasts, the pinky swear.
Taking Stock (the Puppy Fat Remix) - My first and probably last attempt at a remix challenge. Light and frothy, but completely fun to write, a lead-in to Hide and Seek. I love lead-in's to Hide and Seek, because John and Rodney are such boys.
And They Lived Happily Ever After - Coda to Furry Octopus, with more of the same. However, this introduces John's robot fetish. Robotrobotrobot. Hightlights for me: Lennie the puppy killer, Temp, John being mama.
Bagglevarger's Theory of Inversive Magic - HP/SGA fusion of doom. My longest SGA fic to date, and it nearly broke me. The characters are what made this fun, since I essentially pulled everything about magic and science out of my ass. Highlights for me: Rodney and Radek in Slytherin, Jojo the dancing monkey, Rodney's lab, Boot the ghost, Elizabeth.
Blue Team Go - The thought of Ronon being upset by a missed aniversary never stops making me giggle. The fingerpainting is bonus.
The Least Cool - My one and only Parrish/Lorne. A little floofy for me, but I like how I put "pants" in the summary.
Temp Ama McKay-Sheppard - The best is that Temp is an alien, and I can play with that.
Never Anything But - I kinda wish this wasn't a ficlet, but a fully fleshed story, because that would be hilarious.
Almost Like Joining A Cult - Cult jokes never get old. Also, transformation fic! Hightlights for me: Markham and Stackhouse, the giant toad, all that licking.
My Space Adventure - My first and only fic in first person, and also my first attempt at JD. Scrubs in space is pretty fun. Highlights for me: I'm just amazed at how well it worked.
Oo-De-Lally - Challenges make my brain hurt. I like how this turned out, but it was a pain to actually write. Highlights for me: John and Rodney getting lost, Ronon showing up at Rodney's home.
There Is No Reason Why - Pretty much, I just wanted Radek taunting John, and Rodney to be oblivious. Highlights for me: evil twin with breasts!
Go Far - Another one I didn't think would be so well recieved. I like writing Ron, because he's so much more than what he is in the books. So here's Ron in space, facing death with Malfoy by his side. Highlights for me: the whole thing, really - it's one of my favorites - but particularly the scene on the mainland, with Ron and the ocean.
This Is the Definition - This is the definition of being happy. I can't decide if it's sweet or sad that this is basically in John's head.
Attack of the Giant Robot from Outer Space - Who can resist a robot? John certainly can't. I really wish I could write porn, but at the same time, I think anything explicit would've taken away from the complete ridiculousness of this, and it wouldn't be half as much fun.
And So and So and So Forth - The prompt for this was 'summer' and I did use the word. Mainly, Ronon with an egg makes me laugh. Highlights for me: Arthur and John's hair, Rodney roleplaying with John.
Whatever You Wish For - I really love taking fairytales and making them different - different roles, different directions, modern voices but keeping a fairytale quality to the descriptions. Highlights for me: Radek, Mr. Fluffy, Buttercup, the giant bugs, John waiting for Rodney.
A Night's Broken Rest - I still think Rodney totally loves Christmas. Hightlights for me: Ager's caped Han Solo, The 'Lantean Family Singers, Rodney's reaction to Cadman, Carson as Santa.
Stay Left - Continuing Go Far, but completely different. Highlights for me: Finch-Fletchly in all his scenes, the team dynamic, Seamus' descriptions of Ron.
That's it! I didn't count Start Where You Begin, because it's not even remotely finished, but wow. What is that, 24 fics? Awesome.