reel_sga Robin Hood AU is kicking my ass. I just want to trash it, but I don't want to start over again either. ARGH!
Also, I've started a fic that I think might be fun, but it's going to require some research. God, I hate research.
rough, rough snippet:
“Sheppard,” Ronon growled, body coiled with tension.
“Why don’t we get to the point,” John jerked his head towards Ronon, “before he does something you’ll regret.”
“Your friends are not a part of this journey,” she went on, nodding slightly, loose silver hair siding past her cheeks. “You have known worlds they have not, and they have known worlds you cannot. Only you may seek and guide Dr. McKay if you wish.”
John flicked a glance towards Rodney, taking in his thankfully normal color, his slack face. It was almost as if he was sleeping. “Why don’t we just get him conscious again, and no one’ll end up with a hole somewhere unpleasant,” he offered in mock-graciousness. And the Luings had seemed so damned nice, too.
You want to check out our temple? Sure! Help yourself! No need to wipe your feet! Oh, wait, the elder just needs to test your spirit by giving you this amazingly-small-yet- high-energy-emitting-suspiciously-Ancient-egg. And then maybe you’ll die horribly after she weaves a few voodoo spells, and Christ. Jesus Christ, he was starting to sound like Rodney.
“He will wake when he understands,” she said calmly, and John pinched the bridge of his nose, grimacing. They were not there to make enemies. If they could help it. And even though the villagers seemed overtly friendly, they were still outnumbered by a massive amount.
“Okay, then,” John said. “Guide me up.”
“Should I kill them if you die?” Ronon asked gruffly, and John got the distinct impression that he was just asking to get the idea out there, a warning, because that was totally a given.