So I was thinking the other day (yeah, I know, novel) about why I'm having so much fun romping in SGA lately, and I came up with this short list:
HP vs. SGA: the ultimate muse battle
HP: Magic!
SGA: the ATA gene!
HP: Wizards and Witches, fantastic beasts, herbology
SGA: Aliens, alien plant life (they must have botanists there for a reason, right?), Ancients, Athosians and their kick-ass fighting sticks, Asgard who wear NO PANTS!
HP: Brooms, floos, the Knight Bus, Apparation, thestral-drawn carriages, Hogwarts Express, potential for flying cars (though it’s highly frowned upon)
SGA: Transporters, the Stargate, puddlejumpers, Earth-made SPACESHIPS with Asgard BEAMING technology, um, those cool little wing-ships that I can never remember the name of... F1s or something totally different than that? and Ancient spaceships.
HP: Voldemort and the Death Eaters
SGA: The Wraith (ie: Attack of the Space Vampire Clowns), Ancient tech/experimentation gone horribly wrong, the Genii (although they’re just mildly annoying), any number of hostile/irritated/pleasant/hippie-like aliens that could possibly make John and Rodney have sex. Or, you know, something else.
HP: Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco and a slew of other teen Wizards and Witches who may or may not turn out to be evil. Professors who may or may not turn out to be evil. Lots of underdeveloped minor characters to be fleshed out and played with (particularly Ernie *pets him* the lovable mutt of a Hufflepuff)
SGA: John and Rodney (and their OBVIOUS TRUE LOVE), Radek, Ronon, Teyla, BOTANISTS, and a slew of other adult scientists from every field you can think of and all different countries, military persons, aliens, etc. You can make or break your own offworld teams! Now with kung-fu grip!
HP: Magic places, plotable and unplotable, including, but not limited to, Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley, Ministry of Magic, St. Mungos, The Burrow, etc.
SGA: OUTERSPACE!!! ‘Gate addresses that go to planets all over the Pegasus Galaxy. Plus Atlantis, the lost city of the Ancients.
HP: Hogwarts!! With secret rooms and stuff! And ghosts! And it’s a creepy Scottish castle with moving staircases.
SGA: ATLANTIS. It’s made of glass and can sink to the bottom of the ocean and possibly fly and there are all sorts of Ancient secrets hidden inside. Plus, it might be sentient, and if it was it would totally be in love with John Sheppard.
HP: Timeturners (which I gather from canon don’t really go that far back in time)
SGA: Time-traveling puddlejumpers and quantum mirrors, spawning as many different Alternate Realities that you’d like, depending on what point in time you chose to diverge from. For every reality, there are an infinite number of alternate realities that could be very, very similar or very, very different. Or something like that. Cool stuff.
HP: Quills, quills that write by themselves, parchment, all sorts of Owls and the owls who carry them, candy with really cool names, spells, curses, wands.
SGA: Ancient tech that is barely understood at times, and serves for excellent madcap adventures, datapads, life-signs detectors, the Ancient database, etc.
HP: Transfiguration and Animagi (and I still say the clothes are unfeasible).
SGA: “Oh my god, did that device just turn Sheppard/Mckay/Zelenka/Ronon into a duck/penguin/dolphin/girl/child/dog/mattress/my bonded lifemate/sex slave/etc.?”
HP: Charms work
SGA: Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard
HP: The fate of the Wizarding world rests on one boy with anger and abandonment issues and no small an obsession with Draco Malfoy, along with his two sidekicks.
SGA: The fate of the galaxy, and maybe the world, rests on
your slacker ex-boyfriend and that dork from the debate club, along with the help of most of
the other prime catches you used to date.
HP: Quidditch, Exploding Snap, Wizard’s chess, dueling, etc.
SGA: Watching old American football tapes, getting beat down in the gym by Ronon and/or Teyla, prime/not-prime. Plus, running for your life offworld and shooting things.
HP: Harry Potter, potential to be the greatest Wizard of all time (or just really lucky)
SGA: John Sheppard, coulda been Mensa. (also, likes leaning against things, and can turn Atlantis on and off with his brain)
HP: Hermione Granger, bushy-haired know-it-all, smartest Witch of her age.
SGA: Dr. Rodney McKay, smartest man in the entire universe (self-proclaimed, but also really, really true)
HP: Ron Weasley, really not just ornamental (or comic relief).
SGA: Teyla (the negotiator) and Ronon (the large, hairy muscle) and Ford (the old muscle, who totally loves to blow things up, and if he wasn’t hopped up on drugs he’d follow John around like a puppy, only more competent). They kinda get along with McKay.
HP: British-isms, which are actually really addicting.
SGA: Able to write how I talk, plus use Canadian-isms like "eh?" and "Zed"
Er... am I wildly off topic now?
Anyway, my conclusion: Though they run a tight race, SGA makes for the best crack.
Feel free to add! I'm encouraging discussion here! Kind of! You know, mostly!