My little message to Greg Steinhafel, CEO of Target

Aug 21, 2010 14:00

Some background info:

The adorable boycott flash-mob announcement video:

Dear Mr. Steinhafel:

Judging from your apology to your employees, it seems that you've been contrite at least about the narrow partisan implications of your company's contribution to a right-wing political group, and that's all well and good.  However, a wider principle is at stake here; namely, that corporations, which represent an immense concentration of wealth under the control of a very small circle of managers and major shareholders, should not be handing out money in an attempt to influence the outcome of elections.  Whether such influence occurs solely before the election, with the funding of electioneering materials, or bleeds into the post-election period, with increased lobbyist access or quid-pro-quo deals with the candidates so elected, it erodes the egalitarianism of our society and the legitimacy of our democratic system.

Therefore I implore you, on behalf of Target Corporation, to publicly declare that from this day forward, it will be Target's policy to refrain from making either direct or indirect contributions to the electoral campaigns of any candidate for public office.  This will set a positive example for all American businesses, who, I'm sure, would rather all their fellow citizens be able to view their government with respect, as true and fair representatives of their concerns as individuals, and not disdain them as the bought-and-paid-for puppets of powerful unions or big corporations.  It's better for Target, but in the long run, it's better for America as well.

I thank you for your time and attention. 
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