Harper Bashing

May 14, 2013 22:49

More like Stephen ‘Larper’ amirite? Cause he's a troll
The House of Commons needs him like an anus needs a hole
Because he is a 'gateway' for a metric ton of shit
An oily, chunky tidal wave that we all know will hit
Our coastlines and our country’s reputation in the world
Soon I’ll be embarrassed when I see our flag unfurled
He’s talking shit most all the time through a shit-eating grin
When he talks, his words leak out like fecal gelatin
His cold blue eyes betray a lack of feeling in his chest
The patriarchy’s patriarch, more evil than the rest
A heart bereft of feeling is what makes this man so bold
Let’s talk about another part of him that’s hard and cold
His dick is like an iceberg ‘cause we've only seen the tip
And Canada’s titanic reputation is a ship
We’ve only caught him doing what we’ve CAUGHT him doing to us
His dick’s a shitty, stinky one because of where he screws us
He’ll do us like the government has done our friends down south
And when he takes the CBC, he’ll fuck us in the mouth
His parliamenterary member’s girth will make us sick
But we’ll be muffled cause it’s hard to talk around a dick
When speech ain’t free and it’s too hard to talk because of cocks
And Harper takes the CBC and changes it to FOX
When prisons house the homeless and challenged mentally
When pipelines move the oil from the tar sands to the sea
He said that he would change things and that when he was all through
We wouldn’t recognize our country anymore. Do you?
I can’t even face myself when I look in the mirror
And yet we seem to tolerate it maybe out of fear or
Maybe we just hope that we’re asleep and we’re all dreaming
But this nightmare won’t be over ‘til we wake up screaming
Harper’s party is expensive and BYOB.
Nothing there is given, free, or complimentary
Except the aforementioned non-consensual gift of cock
He’s rooster-proud, he’s confident and solid as a rock.
With his kind it’s all a game and all his chips are in
He doesn’t give a fuck about the rules. He came to win.
I’d say that it’s a game of tag and we are surely ‘it’.
All the poor could starve to death. He wouldn’t give a shit.
Or rather all the shits he’d give would come out as a speech
A stinking swirlie-cone of words. Man, he should be impeached.


harper, politics, shit

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