Feb 17, 2008 19:38
She shot me a smile.
I caught it in my teeth.
It gave me a sweet tooth.
We’re living in a slow-motion global Jonestown.
One day, the commercials are going to tell all of us to drink the Kool Aid.
And we will.
That sweet tooth got a cavity. I had it taken out.
She shot me a look. I was wearing sunglasses
I have a gold tooth now.
The twins fell. It’s strange how in retrospect, that day just keeps gathering power, like that day is behind the stalled car of the present and it’s pushing. I know that one day, I will probably talk to teenagers who weren’t alive during 2001 and they’ll look at it the same way that I look at Pearl Harbour or the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Just a page in a textbook in history class. A bullet-point part of a summation.
She texted me a glance. I got it.
I have a blue tooth now.
It’s the money that I wade through. It’s the love that I protect myself against. It’s the time I’m trying to fill before death.
She’s here.