Jan 12, 2008 12:49
Some people see pink elephants.
I see little redheaded children.
I have done some research. There is a possibility that I know what they are now.
1. Subconscious manifestations of the children I could have had with women that I loved but never got around to marrying.
2. Mongolian wish-children. They’re the equivalent of the ‘end of the rainbow' from Irish legend. If you can catch one of the wish-children, your wish will come true. If your wish is not from the heart and for the greater good, however, you’ll be cursed to become young and insubstantial yourself to play with them in the street for eternity. Doesn’t sound like much of a curse to me. Of course, they’re impossible to catch.
Believe me, I’ve tried.
3. The Russians have an interesting tack on vampires. The woman before Eve was called Lilith. She was willful and didn’t do what Adam wanted her to do so they kicked her out of Eden. Lilith had children. They are immortal. They all have red hair. They have the roman numeral for 13 (XIII) branded over their hearts, put there by priests to symbolize their badness. They are beasts. They are the original vampires. They are called the Children of Judas. They’re red-headed children that run around like dogs, killing people by tearing throats.
There are so many religions and folk-tales mixed up in that one that I don’t believe it. It’s a porridge of history. Besides, the kids I see are playing.
They dart in and around the legs of women in long skirts. They bump purses, tug umbrellas, and talk to cats. I can’t hear what they’re saying. Maybe they have a secret language with the felines. I don’t see them talk to anyone else.
4. Angels. Cupids. Seraphim. Little heavenly emissaries sent to hook lovers up or dispense heavenly justice.
I’m not sure. Something about them is definitely other-worldly but they don’t seem overly concerned with the affairs of those around them. I don’t see any flaming swords, bows and arrows or archangel trumpets. And there is a distinct lack of wings.
If they know that I can see them, they haven’t made mention of it yet.
5. Gremlins. Little beasties blamed like the faeries every time a machine breaks or a baby goes missing.
I did see one of the redheaded kids take my keys from the coffee table and put them under one of the couch cushions once. She looked right at me as she was doing it, smiling like it was the funniest thing ever. She seemed to either completely not care or not notice that I was staring right at her.
That’s the only time I’ve seen one of these kids do something mischievous, though.
For the most part, they play tag in the streets, chasing each other, clothes rustling in the wind, laughing silently.
I’ve decided that I will not go to a doctor. I don’t see any harm in it.