In the moment...

Mar 21, 2007 14:09

The vibrational frequencies that set off certain matrix molecules inside of my brain whilst floating through certain regions of the space time continuum seriously allow my own brain patterns to function more sharply and more consciously with the surroundings. While these new patterns are allowing my brain to function in ways that it normally would not, I am allowed to peer into the psychic world which is functioning constantly whether or not we can all see and feel it at any given time. Peering into the depths of the psychic and unforeseen forces that play out into our every day human reality brings many situational intense thoughts to mind. Diving deeper into these realms and actually seeing the communication between other dimensional beings begins to warp into this almost ungodly land of somehow feeling like sometimes I should not be here, but at the same moment, knowing that this is going to be happening, and yes - you should see this, this is something that you are a part of, let your mind do its very best to wrap itself around the situation. The letting go part of this experience continually is the most intense part, as I fully know where I am and what I am seeing - BUT it is a sacred place and it must be seen and dealt with appropriately. I choose to step lightly into these realms. I will allow these beings to know that I am here with them and that I can see exactly what is going on between them, but I give them enough space at the same time so much that they don't try and think I am invading upon them or what not - these beings are not to be "played" with. Regardless, the more and more I come into contact with these beings through different experiences I gather from, the more I continually believe I am starting to understand just how deep this whole "game" of the Universe is. What's funny at this particular moment is that I've been saying this to myself for're just now understanding it's like I've said that to myself over a million times - which I believe I have found is the beautiful thing about being a human being right now. I can take these experiences, and continually build upon them with magickal energy blossoming into new experiences from which I have taken new wisdom into. The more I grow into these sort of realizations, the more and more the beauty of this life really plays itself out to me. The human interactions I have every day. The incredibly intense and special human interactions I have from time to time. Music I experience, a film I see at some point that strikes me as being clever in some form or manner. A smile I see down the road from myself that a passer by is experiencing with another passer by. The subtle and yet seriously intense profound happenings that happen every single moment of this life that so many pass by without even thinking about them. I vouch to do my very best at trying to allow myself to experience every moment to the fullest. Experiencing the beauty of this life while it is here in this form - as it may never be again.
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