Outer Alliance Podcast episode today. This one has two interviews and a story excerpt. You totally get hear me all flustered when I try to talk about sex scenes with Lynn Flewelling, which is particularly funny in light of my recent concert going experience*, I think. Lynn also describes the really fun cruise writing workshop she's leading in October. Natania Barron talks about starting the Outer Alliance, and totally teases us with fantastic descriptions of her forthcoming novel. The story excerpt is from Georgina Bruce's "Dreamer of Protocol 13" in Aether Age: Helios, and we even got professional narrator T.C. Parmalee to read it. The whole episode is about 43 minutes long if you want to check it out.
*So my mother called me yesterday and was like, "That's so cool about the concert! I tried to play the video and it wouldn't load, so I didn't hear you, though...." That's Really OKAY is what I said. Heh. I still plan to give a proper concert report later, by the way. I'm just trying to get the most pressing stuff out of the way first.