I went out walking to work out my NaNoWriMo plot ideas, and the light was golden and the air smelled like winter. It was absolutely gorgeous. I have 1,787 words, so I feel fine about showing you pictures now. All pictures are links to larger versions on Flickr, and there are other pictures there that didn't get posted here if you've a mind to see them. Happy winter!
The afternoon was so perfect that everyone I passed along the way seemed caught up in the wonder of it. The path by Spy Pond was particularly fetching.
There was a dragon in the clouds.
And the willow leaves were like stained glass in the sunlight.
This leaf was glowing so beautifully that I scrambled down onto my stomach to get a picture of it, and only thought to wonder about how that would look to others after I got up and saw them staring. Hee! But look! Wouldn't you have been enchanted, too?
Next, to the old burying ground, where the leaves had fallen to make a blanket for the dead.
And some trees in the burying ground were ripe with berries.
I stopped to admire some winged skull stones.
And saw some dandelions springing up through the leaves.
And as I turned to head home, the clouds were pink, and the moon had risen, ghostly and soft in the evening sky.