
Oct 26, 2008 17:23

Who all here is doing some workouts with the FIRM? I'm doing a few of them, I bought two more on Wednesday right before I got sick (which I'm still fighting - ugh)... and I just worked out with one of the new ones and holy crap I was like pouring sweat and totally off beat lol...

So which ones do you guys have, use, or have heard of that are good? I have the Firm sculpt and tone pilates, the body sculpting ball, and the balance trainer... the body sculpting ball... oh wow, I can't even get through it without dying... not helped that I'm still sick... I'm going to try again some morning (then it won't be as hot)... now is there anything you guys recommend for being totally off beat with it, it's kind of - fast paced... do you just kind of follow along until you get the rhythm with it and then do it without looking all backwards? lol I hope that makes sense...

Ten things you'd know about me if you knew me really well:
1. You'd know about my childhood
2. You'd know how I was older than 25 at the age of 13
3. You'd know how much I struggled with grades during junior high
4. You'd know that I pulled myself through with a B- average
5. You'd know that my mom was not right in the head most of my life
6. You'd know my mom lives in an adult family home
7. You'd know that my brother has the same dad, different mom, and my sister has the same mom, different dad, so in a way I'm an only child
8. You'd know I'm really short
9. You'd know I have two tattoos
10. You'd know how depressed I really am

Nine of my worst qualities
1. Bad self body image
2. Biting my nails
3. Whine a lot (especially about my in laws)
4. I don't like to eat except dinner (which is REALLY bad)
5. Insomnia
6. Depression
7. Not a cuddly person, especially when it's hot
8. Wanting to always budget everything
9. Blonde (not really, more of a light brown - but I couldn't think of something else and I'm called that by one of my old friends)

Eight movies that I could never get tired of:
1. Into The Wild
2. The Lion King
3. Cider House Rules
4. Eternal Sunshine
5. Ameile
6. Fight Club
7. The Notebook
8. The Shawshank Redemption

Seven best days of my life:
1. The day I got married (if my in laws weren't there... :-/)
2. Meeting Daniel for the first time
3. Seeing the Tasman Sea for the first time
4. Being in the Tasman Sea being hit by huge waves
5. Going up to America and visiting my family (that whole time)
6. My high school graduation/and after party
7. ...I don't know...

Six things I'm known to collect:
1. Stuffed Animals/Toyvoyagers
2. Sea Shells and Pretty Rocks
3. Bells or other Souveniers
4. Keychains
5. Cute Things
6. Photos

Five things that are always with me:
1. My wallet
2. My clothes
3. My stuffed fish (when I'm not out and about and just at home he's around)
4. Uhm... my flip flops
5. Um... my skin?

Four places you could find me if I were missing:
1. My bedroom
2. Jervis Bay, NSW
3. Sydney, NSW
4. Seattle, Washington

Three wishes I want to make:
1. My family to come here and visit me (forever lol)
2. My in laws to respect me
3. My depression to go away, and me to feel good about myself

Two names I'd give my future children:
1. Andrew
2. Kate (but no more kids after Andrew)

One thing I'm really good at:
1. Um, sleeping in?

member - trashcan_blues

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